- Little Gem by Ariel - Guitar AMP/PREAMP

Little Gem by Ariel - Guitar AMP/PREAMP

(od) : lordofthedeath | dział/obszar: Music | czas w sekundach 02:25 | odwiedziny, zainteresowanie: 9322 |
Wasza ocena w skali do 5: 5.0 | Zobacz tu też:: brak powiązanych informacji.

Polecam wam też: naprawa zmywarek.


  • Speaker - shitty 8' 30 W.
  • what watt and size is the speaker man!?
  • @XSora96 What for the gain ?
  • how did you get it clean? guitar pot?i
  • @lordofthedeath Isn't that for the gain?
  • 5K pot between 1 and 8 legs LM386.
  • @emihackr97 You should learn polish and not write stupid comments.
  • Great work, looks like a nice build and props for the metallica!
  • @lordofthedeath The 5K pot between 1 and 8 legs LM386
  • can you help me with building this ... im kinda stuck and i love the sound fromt his
  • No, there's no volume control.
  • did u use the 25 ohm rheostat? if you did, where did you get it and how much?
  • Kurwa zajebiste musze zrobic podobny dzieki za próbke :P
  • @XSora96 Yes it is.
  • 30W, 8" speaker.
  • ah, yea i caved and got it for 4 bucks at radioshack.
  • Jeśli szukasz czegoś więcej, zobacz i sam oceń czy ciekawe.